Thursday, November 22, 2012

Discounts students might get on the car insurance

The importance of having a car insurance policy can never be overstated by any car user. If you want to drive on the road no matter what age you have got, whether you are an adult or a student, you need car insurance for sure.  As we have talked about students, it is sometimes hard for them to achieve great results out of their education when they have got a real tight studying schedule.  Many discounts are available for students through which they can even reduce their insurance expenses. The insurance companies can benefit the students of college, high schools and even universities by giving them discount.
Though many discounts are given to students but they are rewarded to only those students who are responsible. If it’s the first time the car insurance policy is being opted then that’s no issue too because the car insurance companies consider the academic record to judge whether they deserve any discounts or not.  Different discounts given to students will fall under different categories.  Here are some of the student car insurance discounts available and being offered by different insurance companies:
The student resident discount
The very first discount is the resident student discount.  This type of discount is useful for those students who are away at school.  As they live in the school hostels therefore they will have to use the car infrequently and they will need the car for other regular works.   These students will need to drive during vacations or when they have to go home so they need to be listed under the parent’s policy.  Some of the companies also verify the status of the students for giving them discount.
The good student grade discount
This is the discount that is given to those students who have a great academic portfolio.   The car insurance companies think that the students who have a good academic record will also be good when they will be on the road.  Different insurance companies have created different polices for offering this type of discount however the basic rules for giving this discount are same.  This offer can be much useful if the driver is between the age of 16 and 25 years and is licensed too.  Those students are given this car insurance discount if they have a grade of 3.0 or above.   The college credit hours are also counted by some of the insurance companies.  Those who go to home-school can also be benefited if they have got proper documentation.
The teen driver monitoring discount
This discount is offered to those who students who fall under the teen age slot.  There are some companies that are much strict in offering this type of discount.  They might even ask to show the GPS device to check the speed limit of the teenager while he is driving.  They make strict polices for judging the criteria so here one sometimes has to keep the fingers crossed.
Nevertheless, these discounts can bring a lot of discount to a student opting for the car insurance.

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